
15. Mai 20171 Min.

26. May 2017 Sanity at the Kirchentag for a second show!

Sanity, a Symphonic Metal Band from Berlin, Germany, will be ACCOMPANYING a live, open air panel discussion at the Evangelische Kirchentag (Protestant Church Day)??? – Yes, that’s exactly how we looked, as well, when the organizers of the Kirchentag approached us, out of hundreds of bands, to play in this show 🙂 >> OPEN AIR, on the largest stage of the Kirchentag, directly in front of the Marienkirche in Berlin Mitte, close to Alexanderplatz <<

What is this about?
The program says “Center Berlin. Future Church. Panel Discussion. You Decide: The Most Innovative Project“. (
This show will present various projects to a panel of judges, who will rate them along with the audience, to determine a winner. AND SANITY will be performing at the show with the songs of their new album “Revelation”. This is something you don’t want to miss! :-).

The event is taking place on Friday, May 26th, 2017 from 10:45am to 1pm (that is IN THE MORNING!) on the stage at the Marienkirche, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 8, 10178 Berlin Mitte.
There is NO admission, just stop by and check it out!
