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Review EP The Beast / Retumbr, Mexico


Reseña de SANITY: "The Beast"

23. Februar 2024

Escrito por: Yvan Lopez

Localidad: México

Género: Symphonic Black Metal,Symphonic Death Metal,Power Metal

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-03-02

Para fans de: Dimmu Borgir,Fleshgod Apocalypse

Un regreso que ni ellos mismos esperaron,   es una banda alemana de sympho black metal con tintes death y power que llevaba más de 20 años inactiva, y de pronto regresan con un EP llamado "The Beast" que verá la luz el 2 de marzo de manera independiente. Si extrañan esa época donde el symphonic era un poco más agresivo, probablemente puedan gustar de este próximo lanzamiento. Vean la reseña que hizo nuestro colaborador Yvan, la pueden encontrar en el primer comentario.

 8 / 10


A return that not even they themselves expected, is a German sympho black metal band with death and power overtones that had been inactive for more than 20 years, and suddenly they return with an EP called "The Beast" that will be released on the 2nd March independently. If you miss that era where symphonic was a little more aggressive, you might probably like this upcoming release. See the review made by our collaborator Yvan, you can find it in the first comment.

Translation of YouTube Transcript:

Hey my friends, we continue with more reviews here on the Retumba Channel. Today we have a band that is around for a long time already. This band is called Sanity, a German symphonic metal band playing a mixture of symphonic black, death and even power metal.

I didn’t know the band before, they released their first album in 1998, but disappeared after their third album in 2001. Suddenly some kind of strange fly bit them and they decided to do new albums. They released an album last year called Revelation and are now launching another one, called The Beast. A comeback after 20 years.

Not many bands return after such a long time with significant releases, not many bands come back at all after 20 years. Or they are stuck with what they did before. There are really very few bands that come up with really new and good stuff. What makes Sanity different? I'm not sure. As musicians they could have learned a lot of things in 20 years, their production could have improved, but honestly, I have not listened to their previous albums, but if you ask me what I heard on EP The Beast, it's a strong EP, it's a powerful EP, despite the running time of only 17 minutes. As I said it combines symphonic styles of black, death and even power metal. This EP feels round. Speaking of symphonic metal, the orchestrations are very well done. These guys bring a certain kind of theatric and dramatic that not many symphonic bands are able to deliver. I mean that singing is more of a dialogue it almost feels like an opera. The orchestrations are very well done and well produced.

Speaking of instruments, the instruments are very well played and the compositions are very well done. Often in symphonic metal the arrangements and orchestra are over present, but here the guitars complement the orchestra, they go from here to there, doing a million things, are not simply there as a reminder of the black metal genre, no, there are so many guitars and riffings and melodies, it feels like they are everywhere. The guitar work features strong death metal rhythms, speedy black metal riffs and melodic power metal licks and of cause guitar solos. So when it comes to guitars, I think they are very well done.

The drums are also quite sophisticated, a type of drums that is rarely heard in symphonic metal. It's extremely powerful and can be compared to drums in the style of Fleshgod Apocalypse or Dimmu Borgir. I really like the vocals too, guttural shouting and screaming, gentle clean voices and loud power and heavy metal vocals. There is something with this band, I like very much, there's a certain blackness in this band, but there's also a certain epic feeling, like the ones you usually get in slightly less extreme genres, let's say heavy or power metal. Listening to the album, I hear influences from early releases of Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Limbonic Art, Bal-Sagoth and other symphonic melodic bands that were defining the genre of death and black metal two decades ago. So surely these guys picked up what they probably heard in those years.

I really could listen to a full album of these guys, it's really a good EP, this EP The Beast.

I think it's a very good EP, and despite the fact that one can hear certain influences in their music, they sound different, in a positive way, they remind me of the symponic black metal of yesteryear, there is this brutality of symphonic black and death metal of yore.

I'll give it an eight. For me it's a very solid eight the EP The Beast. Hopefully Sanity can bring to the table a full album in the future. They are German guys who are coming back after 20 years and are really more relevant than other bands with 17 minutes of an EP. Friends, remember that this new album will be released on March 2. They don't have a record label yet, it’s an independent production. Applause to these guys, I really liked their album, really wait for it, if you are fans of symphonic black and symphonic death, together with epic power metal. Very good guitars, very good drums, good vocals, very good record. Friends, we'll be seeing each other soon, see you later.

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