27. Dezember 2023 Screamer

"Throne", the first song on "Revelation" is probably the pinnacle of our creative work of the past 30 years. You will be greeted by a majestic choir, depicting the scores of angels singing in the antechamber of God’s throne room. Then the train hits you in full swing, massive guitars set in, and a pounding, unrelenting drum rhythm framed by a cold choir and growling vocals. This is head-bang material, man! I know that our fans will love the melodic solo passages in the song, the neck-breaking rhythmic passages, and the somber bridge that culminates in a splendor of power metal madness. I could even imagine fans pulling out their lighters and singing along during a concert if you know what I mean. Please watch the official video of “Throne” on YouTube to immerse yourself in the emotional message of the song. "Throne" is a great opening song for "Revelation" due to its multi-faceted arrangement. It sets the stage for "Scroll", the next song.
Scroll is an orchestral masterwork. Next to the slowly pounding rhythm guitars, you find pizzicato played by double basses, dramatic violas, and a flute to complement the emotional singing passage culminating in high-pitched trills. We added a lead guitar for the second verse to further expand the musical arrangement. And then, at the height of the drama, a blast of drums, guitars, and intense shouting is unleashed all the while overseen by a serene oboe that is unsoiled by the pure chaos of the pounding war machine underneath. Epic horns and choirs take over as the rhythm shifts to a soothing double bass drum pattern and Florian's Rhapsody of Fire style vocals nurture the long-awaited redemption from all the drama and tension in this song.
3. Seals:
"Seals" is a fantastic track to get to know the EP, the song incorporates all elements that make "Revelation" such an outstanding release for Sanity. As with many songs on past albums, the listener is greeted by a calm, almost folkloric instrumental intro that sets the mood for what’s coming. Then the train hits you in full swing, massive guitars set in, and a pounding, unrelenting drum rhythm framed by a cold choir in major fourth. This is head-bang material, man! The song features neck-damaging riffing in the verse, incredibly powerful shouting, and high-pitched "Priest"-like screaming by our singer Florian in the short bridge. The chorus is uber-epic with its multilayered choir arrangement, the low growling voice, and the wistful horn section and strings in the background. In the second chorus, we even added another melancholic lead guitar on top of it all - talking about emotional overkill. The bridge starts with a heroic acapella passage and when the guitars set in again, it lets you appreciate once more how ultra heavy these have been mixed by Andreas Hilbert from Soundforge Studio. The song concludes with the thickest arrangement on the whole album, wailing lead guitars embedded in comforting strings, longing trumpets, heroic choirs and compelling drum rhythms, and above all the exceptional vocals of Florian that paint a bleak picture of the times to come. Check out our official video of "Seals" on YouTube!
4. Silence:
The fourth song "Silence" is a calm orchestral intermezzo and describes the utter silence in heaven after a quarter of the people have died in epoch-making catastrophes. We found it fitting to arrange this song in a purely classical way to express the atmosphere in God's throne room.
5. Trumpets:
"Trumpets" is a fast-paced melodic masterpiece that leaves you wanting for more, full black/death immersion with growling and shouting vocals. A plethora of melodies and hook lines, rhythms worthy of mosh pits, and fast double bass drum madness are all complemented by majestic orchestra passages of trombones, horns, strings, flutes, trumpets, harpsichord, and choir. What a symphonic metal feast!